• RLVNT is a visual journal with striking photographs and real conversations about Life, Purpose and Fashion Photography.


After a yearlong lengthy hiatus, we are back and are so excited to launch a series of new RLVNT JOURNAL instalments monthly and to introduce a new features, such as Q&A,a short form interview and CHRONICLES, an innovative divergence of the fashion editorial which fuses short-form, narrative storytelling with avant-garde fashion photography.



Welcome to the latest issue of RLVNT JOURNAL, where I'm thrilled to introduce a captivating series featuring my dear friend and muse, visual artist AMÉLIE TREMBLAY. Shot in a radiant Los Angeles studio, Amelie's natural beauty shines through as she dons ethereal white or black attire, mesmerizing us with her presence. Accompanying this visual journey is an enlightening essay titled "Illuminating Elegance," where I delve into the artistry and inner process of fashion photography.

Dive into our pages and discover the RLVNT purpose of art and style in our ever-evolving world!



After a year-long hiatus, our latest instalment of RLVNT is a return to the classic and rapid-fire Q&A format, between NYAGOA JOCK and myself, with a few quick questions about life, purpose and, of course, fashion photography. Enjoy!



Definition: closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered and/or is appropriate to the current time, period, or circumstances; of contemporary interest. Etymology: From Latin relevāns, relevāntem, meaning to lift up again or to lighten.

RLVNT is a journal with striking photographs and real conversations with truly inspiring people about life, purpose and fashion photography.


When I was 10 years old, I loved to listen to like Frank Sinatra. And my mom always was like, “This is great, but should I be worried?” - Valeria Lipovetsky

SUBSCRIBE to RELEVANT JOURNAL to stay tuned for more conversations and photographic journal entries with today’s most interesting actors,models, directors, muses and musicians!

Next EDITIONS coming in February 2024!